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Please have fun exploring these courses that can get you started on your journey with birds, or help improve your existing skills and knowledge. We recommend “Birding for Beginners” for folks who are just starting out.

A male American Goldfinch with bright yellow and bold black plumage perches on a tree, looking over it's shoulder at the camera. Green forest background.

Birding for Beginners

Learn the basics to start birding. Learn about helpful tools, how to start identifying birds, and where to go birding.

An Eastern Kingbird sitting on a thick branch has it's bill wide open as it's about to eat a bug.

Gardening for Birds

Learn the core concepts for designing bird friendly habitat and be ready to apply them to your own garden, backyard, or shared neighborhood space!

A Grasshopper Sparrow is perched on a spruce, with a green forest background. It's bill is open, singing.

Learn by Listening: About Birds

This course is specially tailored for people with a visual impairment such as sight loss and low vision but all are welcome! You can go birding with ears open to an amazing world by discovering the freedom of birding by ear.

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