“In the midst of a global biodiversity crisis, these databases may hold the key to detecting important obstacles and threats to conservation, as well as determining the best interventions before it is too late.”

–Binley et al., 2023. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.

The need for accessible, reliable biodiversity data in conservation is widely recognized, and the potential impact of a data platform like NatureCounts is enormous. That’s why we strive to collect, analyze, and share critical information to inform wide-reaching and effective action by the conservation community.

Our vision is to be a comprehensive source of bird knowledge in Canada, and to contribute to preventing, halting, or reversing population declines by facilitating community engagement, scientific research, informed decision-making, and conservation action. We believe we are on the right path to do that, and when you contribute to NatureCounts as a citizen scientist or access the data for research or conservation, you are a part of achieving that vision, too.

If you’d like to continue exploring NatureCounts, additional resources are available through the NatureCounts page of the Birds Canada Learn platform, and more information can be found on naturecounts.ca. Thank you for choosing to learn about NatureCounts!

An illustration of two Canada Jays eating blueberries.