NatureCounts hosts a lot of data – over 230 million records from hundreds of citizen science and research projects dating back over a century! NatureCounts archives data from completed projects, but also supports data collection by new and current projects. There are three main ways that data arrive in NatureCounts:

1. Through the mobile app or online submission tool

Projects which are currently collecting data can submit data in real time using the NatureCounts mobile app. The app allows users to submit data for various projects and survey protocols straight from the field, without having to fuss with paper forms and transcribe data after the fact. It takes users through protocols in an easy, step-by-step fashion, so that even users who are new to citizen science can collect reliable, accurate biodiversity data.

A collage of screenshots from the NatureCounts app.

For projects which use traditional forms, or users that prefer them, an online submission tool provides an easy way to enter data on a desktop computer.

2. Via bulk upload

Projects which have completed their data collection can be brought into NatureCounts through a bulk upload of their data. This allows projects that predate NatureCounts or were not entered into NatureCounts initially to be added to the platform, securely archived, and made available.

3. By regular import

Data from partners like WildTrax, eBird, and the Audubon Christmas Bird Count are incorporated into NatureCounts through regular import, making NatureCounts a true one-stop-shop for citizen science data.

Once data are collected into NatureCounts, they must be interpreted to make them as accessible and usable as possible.

Next section: Interpreting Data