All NatureCounts data belong to their original owner, and a great deal of work and time has gone into their collection. For this reason, all users of the data must acknowledge the contribution of the members who made those data available.

Acknowledgment may range from a simple citation to co-authorship, depending on the degree to which an analysis or publication relies on the provider’s data. Additionally, appropriate branding (i.e. logos of contributing members) should be placed on any website, educational outreach, presentation, or promotional materials for which the data are used. All researchers making substantial use of a dataset should to communicate directly with the investigators who acquired the data, or those to whom responsibility for the data has been entrusted, prior to publication.

Acknowledgment of NatureCounts itself for the provision of data is also important. This acknowledgment helps to raise awareness of the platform, generate support, and track the ways in which NatureCounts data are being accessed and used.

To cite data retrieved from NatureCounts, use the following format:

[Lead organization(s)]. [Year]. [Dataset name]. Data accessed from NatureCounts by Birds Canada. Available at Accessed: [Date].

For example:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Canadian Wildlife Service. 2024. Breeding Bird Survey. Data accessed from NatureCounts by Birds Canada. Available at Accessed on February 21, 2024.

To cite NatureCounts visualizations or output tools, use the following format:

Birds Canada. [Year]. NatureCounts web application. Birds Canada. Available: Accessed: [Date].